Dental Implants


Experience Painless dental implants at Dazzle Dental, Mumbai. European Implants with transparent pricing.


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Kashmera Shah

Kashmera Shah

Dr. Rajesh Shetty is not only an excellent dentist but is a superb human being. He not only makes you feel comfortable but has made an awesome clinic.This is the only time in a dentist's chair that you don't want to rush back. With the high-tech TV on the ceiling to the awesome cold coffees being served, Dr. Rajesh Shetty makes it a great experience.

Sandeep Khosla

Sandeep Khosla

Mental Dental. Fantastic Results. Dr. Shetty Rocks. Worth all the time spent...Wonderful Clinic, Super Staff, and Great Music.

Dazzle Dental Clinic

Smile Gallery: World-Class Dental Care

Know You're Getting the Very Best Dental Implants

Dental Implants
WoDigital Dentistry with International Sterlization Protocols

State-of-the-art equipment to ensure we provide minimally invasive procedures, including CBCT Machines, in-house Digital Laboratory, intra-oral Scanners and microscopes. We offer only FDA Approved implants from Straumann or Nobel Biocare.

Transparent Pricing

We do our best to ensure you don’t have any surprises when it comes to what to expect, the cost of treatment, or outcomes.

Modern, Painless Implant Treatment

Feeling anxious about your treatment? While we do our best to preserve your tooth, you can simply sit back and relax through our “Sleep” Dentistry methods. With this, we can relieve anxiety and fear and ensure a safe working environment for you and your dentist.

If you get nervous before or during a dentist appointment, you’re not alone. Primary reason why people have a fear of dental treatments is that they don’t know what to expect. Will the treatment be painful and uncomfortable? How long will it take? Will it cost more than I expected? We’re committed to providing all the answers, treat with highest quality treatment and materials to ensure your dental implant tooth looks just and performs like a real one. Our expert team will guide you through the entire dental implant journey, ensuring that you are well-informed and comfortable every step of the way. Our philosophy is, lesser dental treatment we can do for you to keep you healthy, the better off you are!

Book Online Now or Call us on 022 41 498949

Dental Implant Process: Steps to a Restored Smile

  1. Initial Consultation and Examination: The process begins with a comprehensive examination and consultation with one of our dental implant specialists. This includes a review of your dental and medical history, a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, and the evaluation of your jawbone density through imaging techniques.
  2. Treatment Planning: Based on the examination and assessment, our dental team will create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This includes determining the number of implants required, the ideal placement locations, and the type of restoration that will best suit your smile.
  3. Implant Placement: The next step involves the surgical placement of the dental implants into the jawbone. This is typically done under local anaesthesia to ensure your comfort. The implants are carefully positioned within the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for the replacement teeth.
  4. Healing and Osseointegration: Following implant placement, a healing period is necessary to allow the implants to fuse with the surrounding bone in a process called osseointegration. This integration creates a strong and durable bond between the implant and the jawbone, ensuring long-term stability.
  5. Restoration Placement: Once the healing period is complete, custom-made dental crowns or bridges will be securely attached to the implants. These restorations are meticulously designed to match the colour, shape, and size of your natural teeth, providing a seamless and natural-looking smile.

Why Choose Dazzle

Dazzle Dental Clinic is renowned for its expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional dental implant treatments. Here are a few reasons why you should choose us:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Our dental implant specialists are more than dentists; they are artists in medical scrubs. Using a palette of implant materials and a canvas of advanced dental technology, they will craft an implant that’s virtually indistinguishable from a natural tooth.
  2. State-of-the-Art Facilities: At Dazzle Dental Clinic, we have invested in advanced dental technology and equipment, enabling us to provide the highest standard of care and optimise the dental implant process.
  3. Personalised Approach: We understand that each patient is unique, and we take the time to listen to your goals and concerns. Our personalised approach ensures that your treatment plan is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring optimal outcomes.
  4. Natural-Looking Results: With our meticulous attention to detail and high-quality materials, we create dental implant restorations that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing you with a beautiful and natural-looking smile.
  5. Patient Satisfaction: Our priority is your satisfaction and comfort throughout the dental implant journey. We strive to exceed your expectations and ensure that you are well-informed and supported during every stage of the process. Read what our satisfied patients have to say!

Choosing Dazzle Dental Clinic for dental implants means placing your trust in a team of experienced professionals who prioritise your oral health, comfort, and satisfaction. Also, if you are looking to have all teeth replaced, our world-class All-On-4 treatment could be ideal for you. With our expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, personalised treatment planning, and commitment to long-term care, we strive to provide you with a positive and successful implant experience. If you are looking for a reliable and expert dental implant solution, Dazzle Dental Clinic is your ultimate destination. Our comprehensive approach, experienced dental team, and commitment to patient satisfaction make us the ideal choice for restoring your smile with dental implants. Schedule a consultation today and embark on a journey towards a confident and radiant smile at Dazzle Dental Clinic.

Book Online Now or Call us on 022 41 498949

To read more about dental implants, click here to open US FDA website.

Dazzle Celebrity Testimonials | Dazzle Dental Clinic Photos | Dazzle Before-After Photos | Expert Implantologists

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General Dentistry

We provide a wide range of general dentistry treatments.

New Patient Consultation

Starting from Rs. 1000

Composite Fillings

From Rs.2,500


From Rs.5,000


From Rs.60,000


From Rs.75,000

Dental Anxiety Solutions

From Rs.8000 per hour



Cosmetic Dentistry

Veneers/ Laminates

From Rs.15,000 per tooth

Zirconia Crowns

From Rs.15,000 per tooth

Office Whitening

From Rs.15000

Internal Bleaching

From Rs.7,000

Cosmetic Gum Surgery

From Rs.25,000

We provide a wide range of cosmetic treatments



Surgical Dentistry

Dental Implant

From Rs.25,000

All on 4 Implants - MIRA

Rs.2,00,000 / jaw

Zygomatic Implants

Rs. 1,00,000 onwards

Gum / Bone Surgery

From Rs.25,000


From Rs.3,000

Other Treatments